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How to Eliminate Stains on Teeth

Tooth stains are quite inconvenient, especially because they can take the beauty away from the smile. Unfortunately, tooth stains do form when you eat and drink dark foods and beverages as well as use tobacco. If the product can stain fabric, it can stain the teeth. Fortunately, there are things you can do to eliminate the tooth discoloration and achieve... read more »

Keep Your Oral Health Strong by Choosing the Best Toothpaste for Your Smile

Your toothpaste can help you achieve your smile goals. However, if you don’t use the right toothpaste, it can fail to produce the results you desire, especially because there are toothpaste brands that claim they are beneficial when they are not. To help you avoid using the wrong toothpaste, Dr. Anthony Shaia and our dental team have some tips for... read more »

Things to Consider When Shopping for a New Brand of Toothpaste

Along with flossing each evening, brushing your teeth twice per day is recommended by the American Dental Association as daily measure to help maintain good oral health. Adding toothpaste to your soft-bristled toothbrush helps improve its ability to remove plaque and residual food particles from the surfaces of your teeth. At the same time, some brands of toothpaste have special... read more »