What is a night guard?
A night guard is a type of mouth guard that is used to prevent bruxism. Dr. Anthony Shaia provides night guards to protect your smile from the painful symptoms and damage that can be caused by bruxism.

What is bruxism?
Bruxism is also known as teeth grinding and clenching. Many patients who suffer from bruxism are unaware that they are affected by the condition because it typically occurs during sleep. You may suffer from bruxism if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Frequent tension headaches or migraines
  • Jaw pain or tightness in the jaw muscles
  • Chronic facial pain
  • Ear pain and ringing in the ears
  • Flattened, very worn, cracked, or chipped teeth
  • Worn tooth enamel, exposing the inner layers of the tooth
  • Indentations on the side of the tongue
  • Tired jaw muscles

Do I need a night guard?
If you notice the symptoms of bruxism, you may benefit from a night guard. The night guard fits over your teeth to prevent teeth grinding and clenching. You will only wear the night guard during sleep, and our dentist will ensure that your custom night guard fits comfortably. We invite you to contact us at Shaia Dental Care soon to learn more about the benefits of night guards and treating teeth grinding in Middleburg Heights, Ohio.