One of the most prevalent diseases in the country is gum disease. It’s often a result of people ignoring their gum health, which leads to all sorts of nasty oral health problems. Ignoring your gum health is a surefire way to invite gum disease into your life. So let’s look at a few of the reasons you shouldn’t ignore gum... read more »
If tooth decay and gum disease have left you with several lost or compromised teeth, it can have a serious negative effect on your quality of life. Beyond impairing your ability to chew food, these missing teeth can also cause you to slur your speech and feel self-conscious about your appearance, affecting your self-image and self-confidence. In a situation like... read more »
Did you know that between 9 percent to 15 percent of Americans claim that they do not visit their dentist due to fear? That’s somewhere between 27 to 46 million people! Most dental appointments aren’t painful at all, but it’s common for patients to be afraid of dentistry. The phrases “dental anxiety” and “dental phobia” are often thought to mean... read more »