When tooth decay afflicts a tooth, it will gradually continue to spread. Should you procrastinate professional dental treatment at Shaia Dental Care, the problem will inevitably worsen. Sometimes so much of the tooth enamel structure is compromised that the tooth severely fractures. When this happens, Dr. Anthony Shaia might need to provide endodontic therapy. In an extreme case, the damage... read more »
Each of your teeth is anchored in its socket by very strong periodontal ligaments. As strong as they are, it is still possible for a very hard blow to the face to sever them or even fracture the tooth out of the socket. When this happens, the tooth is often so badly damaged that your dentist, Dr. Anthony Shaia, must... read more »
There are times when a hard blow to the face can knock one or more teeth completely out of their sockets. When this happens, it often severs the periodontal ligaments holding the tooth in place and fractures the tooth at the root. This is even more likely to happen if you play in a contact sport without wearing a quality... read more »