Your toothpaste can help you achieve your smile goals. However, if you don’t use the right toothpaste, it can fail to produce the results you desire, especially because there are toothpaste brands that claim they are beneficial when they are not. To help you avoid using the wrong toothpaste, Dr. Anthony Shaia and our dental team have some tips for... read more »
If you are one who has multiple questions about brushing your teeth, we are here to help you! Brushing can be a tricky and complicated task, but it’s time to uncomplicate it and properly brush. To help you do so, we happily provided the answers to the following tooth-brushing questions: What is the proper way to brush your teeth? The... read more »
“Look both ways before crossing the street.” “Never talk to strangers.” “Don’t stick your fingers into electrical outlets.” “Eat your vegetables.” “Don’t touch the burners on the stove.” “Brush your teeth.” Parents are great at teaching their children these vital life lessons that preserve the well-being of their little ones. But there’s one often overlooked tip that many parents fail... read more »