It is certainly true that your first line of defense against oral health problems starts with a consistent daily oral hygiene regimen. This includes brushing your teeth each morning and night as well as performing a thorough flossing effort at least once each day. At the same time, the American Dental Association further advises you to have a routine dental... read more »
As you may already know, oral cancer can destroy your life. This is why Dr. Anthony Shaia and our dental team proudly offer oral cancer screenings at Shaia Dental Care. During your six-month checkup, your dentist will examine your mouth for signs of oral cancer. This is beneficial because with early detection, you can have an increased success rate and... read more »
April has been designated as Oral Cancer Awareness Month by the Oral Cancer Foundation. Oral cancer is a serious concern, and at Shaia Dental Care we want to do our part to help all our friends in the Middleburg Heights, OH, area know about this disease. Here are some quick basics. Oral cancer is found in nearly 50,000 new patients... read more »